Moved in =)

As most of you know from my Facebook posts we got moved in over the weekend. It was lots of work and reminded me that moving is a pain in the butt. But now that it's over I am happy to say we are living at the new house. 
Still minus the kitchen, trims around doors, baseboard and some other finishing touches. 
We had a major set back on day one..... Brock was taking a shower, I went to flush the toilet and all you could hear was a funny bubbling sound. I waiting a bit thinking this is odd, maybe we can't use the toilet and shower at the same time, lol... I was VERY wrong. You can! Turns out a tree decided to grow inside of our pipes (as you can see in the pictures below) and Mark the Plumber had to come out and dig a huge whole in our back yard to fix it. 
With the help of Brock busting out the back porch (the porch we would of sooner or later busted out) and Mark's associate Jr's help they dug down to get to the pipe and switched it out for a new one. All before the huge monsoon storm hit for the afternoon. So now we have a soggy wet muddy backyard that the animals just seem to always walk in the worst areas and pipes sticking out of the ground... at least we can flush the toilet and shower at the same time, lol...

The Plumber will be back this week to continue down the backyard to the alley replacing all sewer pipes so it's done right. What a pain in the butt. I guess better it happen now then after we replaced the deck or even once it starting snowing and we have to shovel snow away to get to the frozen ground...

So here are pics of the aftermath of sewer issues and the blob of tree roots hanging out in the pipes. 
Plus some added pictures of my new couches (still not arranged how I want them) and my make shift kitchen till the new one comes in....


The thing with the yellow cord on it is roots that were living in our sewer pipes. The black piece over top the cord is also roots. This was about 6 feet long and the width of the pipe.


This is just some of the couch pieces. They all come apart so you can put whatever you want where you want, it worked PERFECT for our small living room, this is day one pic, today they are moved around different, till I find the perfect spots. As you can see they are really for the girls and all their stuff, I guess we have to sit on the floor =)